Well, it must be pretty profitable to make counterfeit Dom Rebel goods, because the low-life people that make a living knocking off the hard work of artists around the world keep pumping out our old designs onto the black market.
The funny thing is that we are a small artisanal brand from Montreal, Canada...So more power to us, I guess.
We hope you respect our work enough to discourage this kind of bullshit. The fakes mostly come out of China, and they are sold in bulk on a lot of websites. The saddest part of all, is that we struggle to build our small brand day by day, for the sake of putting out a quality product for our fans to enjoy, and make everything in such limited edition. And these people come in and cheapen the whole experience.
The only good news is that our fans are quick to call out someone wearing a fake Dom Rebel shirt. We've heard stories of people getting thrown out of nightclubs and restaurants, especially in Montreal, for wearing a fake Dom Rebel shirt...
Help us fight back! Please buy our products at the retailers listed on our website (www.domrebel.com), and let us know if you find product sold anywhere else. You can either email us at info@domrebel.com or join the discussions on the Dom Rebel Facebook Fan Page to keep up to date on fakes and how to spot them.
We appreciate your support, and you are the reason why we even have a brand at all. After all, we make everything for you!!