I love my Chrome Hearts wallet chain. I wear it every day. I actually consider it a part of my body, since if it weren't for my jeans, which separate my skin from the heavyweight 925 silver chain, it would probably have forged with my leg by now.
Anyways, I (finally) got an absolutely beautiful small card holder wallet to attach my chain to, since I hate wearing a bulky wallet. Witness the magnificence of said card holder wallet:

I was a cheery lad, smitten with his recent purchase. I must say I was quite enjoying my new found wallet glory.
When...BEHOLD! While exiting my automobile (or car, as you call them these days), my chain gets snagged between the door and car seat, and DISASTER STRIKES! My glorious chain was dismembered... Spell it out with me: O-M-F-G.

Alas, as I await for my body part to be repaired by our very talented in-house jewellery maker, I walk around feeling naked...empty...insignificant!
Feel my pain people.
Peace Out
- Justin